대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 황금동룸싸롱 황금동유흥주점 수성구룸싸롱

대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 황금동룸싸롱 황금동유흥주점 수성구룸싸롱
As soon as he finished speaking, a student came up on
stage.The surroundings suddenly become noisy.“He’s suc
h a genius?”“They said I got perfect scores on both the
written and practical exams.”I ignore the buzzing voices a
nd look at the stage. One female student was looking str
aight ahead at her with her back straight.Her neatly cut ha
r, slender body, white skin, and big eyes. She has a pretty f
ace overall. However, her aura that was felt about her was e
xtremely strange.Cold, sharp. It’s not like that. She shouldn’t
be approached. Something is at stake. I have that feeling. A p
iece of glass that looks like it might break at any moment.Yes.
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 황금동룸싸롱 황금동유흥주점 수성구룸싸롱
She has a quiet aura as her name suggests, and she is a geni
us in name and reality. She is a student of the Department of S
ilenced Music, and she is the only person who has not missed
a single scholarship for excellent grades since the opening of S
eolwon Arts High School.She doesn’t just have good grades. S
he also sings amazingly. Han Go-yo’s talent is not greatly infer
ior to Su-yeon’s.Well, it’s still not as good as our Suyeon’s.
Anyway, she is very talented and has a pretty face. Plus, my gr
ades are good. Naturally, her industry was not in a hurry to ta
ke her away. However, Goyo Han, who graduated from Seolwo
n Arts High School, suddenly disappeared.At that time, she was
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 황금동룸싸롱 황금동유흥주점 수성구룸싸롱
n’t even a fuss. No one knows why Hangoyo disappeared. Beca
use she wasn’t friendly with anyone. I look at Han Go-yo readin
g the entrance oath with indifferent eyes. Then I look away. Sh
e is from a different world from me anyway.She is not someone
who will be helpful in the future and is someone who will not
have anything to do with it. What’s important now is the futur
e class assignment and today’s class.That’s why I stopped payi
ng attention to Goyo Han.§ § §There are a total of six depart
ments at Seolwon Arts High School.Department of ArtDepartme
nt of Korean traditional musicDepartment of Entertainment Arts
Department of Practical Dancectical Depart