대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 달서구룸싸롱 황금동룸싸롱 동성로룸싸롱

대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 달서구룸싸롱 황금동룸싸롱 동성로룸싸롱
“huh.”Look at the notes. Just by looking at the notes, you can fe
el Soo-yeon’s worries. The notes are frayed, and traces of lyrics t
hat were erased after writing are visible. After watching it, I star
t reading the lyrics in earnest.”······hmm.”A moan comes out na
turally.Suyeon asked me with a worried face.“Not so good?”
“No, that’s not it…”The problem is that it’s not that great.
“Have you ever written lyrics?”“No, this is my first time.”Suye
on shakes her head.She reads the lyrics once again.Talente
d…!What an incredible talent!Does a kid who sings well also
write lyrics well? Of course, there are parts that need to be m
odified here and there, but compared to the lyrics I first wrote
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 달서구룸싸롱 황금동룸싸롱 동성로룸싸롱
, they are ridiculous.”are you okay?”Suyeon asked worriedly.She l
et out a sigh.Ah, here comes Hyeonta.§ § §There is a prejudice th
at geniuses who make art are strange.And in my experience, th
t’s not prejudice, it’s fact.I don’t know about other genres, but t
here’s something strange about kids who show outstanding talen
t in music. If you look at Kim Tae-young right now, you can ofte
n see screws missing.The same goes for Hangoyo. No, of all the g
niuses I’ve seen so far, Han Goyo is the strangest. Goyo Han lacke
d many things.“So you don’t like chicken?”“It’s not that I don’t lik
e it. I just don’t think anything of it.”
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 달서구룸싸롱 황금동룸싸롱 동성로룸싸롱
“And what about pizza and other things?”“If you have it, eat it.
f not, don’t.”As a person, there are bound to be things you like. A
nd if you like something, it’s natural to be greedy. However, Han
Goyo does not show such greed.“Have you ever complained until
now?”“Nothing. I’ve never wanted something that much.”“······He
aid he likes my song.”Goyo Han slightly frowns at my words. It’s a
“What if it feels different?”“『Bad』 was originally like my song.”
What does this mean again?It was originally my song.How is tha
t your song?It’s my song.“It’s hard to explain in words, but I did it a
nyway.”This guy is really weird.